Almost noon and I am still basking in Jonte's dance workshop. I am truly amazed (as I've always been) at the way he makes it all look so damn easy.
I ran into the workshop, pissed that I missed Ramon's that was held before Jonte's, and it looked like Jonte was warming everyone up so I found a spot in the back (after seeing Cherie and getting a quick hug) and joined in. I couldn't help it.... Originally I wanted to just go and watch and drool. See how he worked, catch his vibe outside of the club and off the computer screen (and soon my tv screen, as he said his dvd's will be available at the performance on the 28th)
**by the way, it's 12:04 now -- the tv is involved**
anyhoo, after 1 minute I was already sweating and my necklace gave up and fell into my shirt. after realizing that I had on too many keep-warm layers, and too many accessories I had to think. At that point Jonte' ended the warm-up and told people who wanted water to get it and get back in... as I approached the door Ramon says "sweatin already?" ...... i told you! We all were back in and Jonte' has a stack of green and a stack of yellow cups and we were all encouraged to take one... i chose a yellow one STILL WONDERING WHY I HAVEN'T SAT DOWN YET.
The instruction starts and it's quick and a little tricky but quite cute when accomplished. i stumbled, i got it, i stumbled, i got it, i stumbled and then I gave up. I must have looked like a quitter to the group, but they didn't know that I never went to dance in the first place... I quickly got over myself when I started watching Jonte' work. and WORK he did.... effortless, smooth, sharp, patient, efficient.... I could go on and on and on.....
I Love Jonte'!
(before the rambling gushing starts to disgust you!)
He's performing at Santos Party House on the 28th along with Cherie Lily and others.....
jickyrones :-)
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