up, then down in a matter of seconds
full of wonder, but not the good kind
processing the thoughts that are formed about me
wondering why i'm still being misunderstood
saying one thing and having that one thing be interpreted incorrectly
makes your mind weary
makes you ask questions that possibly can't be answered
makes me uneasy
can it be the me who i thought was on display is seen as someone that i'm not
will there ever be a time where i won't dwell on the irritances
the irritators have transferred their energy onto me
how to approach
should i approach
is it worth it to approach
i wish there was a coach to get me through these trying times
in my mind there is never rest
and when there is, it's always interrupted
still full of that not-so-good wonder
still confused
*when you realize that "it" is all around you, you see so much more. *sometimes you just need to open your eyes and drink in what's in store. *Having a second set of recordable eyes helps when my memory is no more. *capturing the beautiful moments in life will never be a bore. *Please enjoy and feel free to leave comments and share with friends! **PHOTOS BY: Ricky Jones Jr.** ENJOYenjoyRELAXrelaxOBSERVEobserveRESPONDrespond*enjoyrelaxobserverespond*
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