The train was moderately full... It was about 2:30am and we were coming from Final Destination 3d... Our subway ride was only 2 stops.....It started off as an agressive play fight btwn two drunk people (m vs. f) of a certain age, both black. The lady had a tall colt 45 in her hand... She was telling the man "stop diggin in yo damn nose and use a damn tissue" and she said MANY other things in between...(He man was responding "we can just take this to the bed and get it over with right now and stop playin around!" And other things of that nature. She pulled out a tissue started to get raunchy as she alluded to her nether-regions... I think She even coyly rubbed the napkin in a certain spot... A guy from far away on the train starts making LOUD comments that were so unnecessary (by the way, albert and I are sitting between them... Not close to them at all but we were literally the midpoint to their line segment... Drunk from champagne and full from rosh hashanah dinner) he was saying things like "she oughta be ashamed of herself, I have daughters and they better not be comin on the train sayin shit like that, she needs to DOOOUUUCCCHHHEE!" Yes he said it like that... He went on and on and keep in mind that he's no more than 25 or so. The colt 45 lady started listening because she realized that the guy was talking about her. Then, she said to him "are there some faggots on the train that need to clear something up?" He didn't hear is at first so she said it a couple more times and added "yeah I said faggot because obviously you don't like pussy, you so worried about me n shit!" (And many other things were said). She went on to say "if I was your momma I woulda had an abortion..." The guys gets even MORE stereotypical by jumping up and charging over to this woman shoutting "you talkin bout my mothuh! You talkin bout my muthuh!" And he's really agressive and up in her face and she's like "hit me then! What u gonna do? I'm a woman!....... I'm pregnant!" He was saying "what?! You pregnant with a colt 45 in your hand?!" And things of that nature..... (Obviously the woman wasn't pregnant... Or was she? -i don't think so)
By this time we were getting to our stop and it was getting crazier so we rushed off in shock.
All of this happened in 7 minutes...
Many details were lost hear and there but u get the gist...
Crazy RIGHT?!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
By this time we were getting to our stop and it was getting crazier so we rushed off in shock.
All of this happened in 7 minutes...
Many details were lost hear and there but u get the gist...
Crazy RIGHT?!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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