Grounded by the Sapphire of Virgo
Ablaze with the Turquoise of Sagittarius
their POMP gave Blondie and her friend a run for the coins...<3 <3 <3
and yet, STILL more to come....I always love shooting with the ladies! :-)
*when you realize that "it" is all around you, you see so much more. *sometimes you just need to open your eyes and drink in what's in store. *Having a second set of recordable eyes helps when my memory is no more. *capturing the beautiful moments in life will never be a bore. *Please enjoy and feel free to leave comments and share with friends! **PHOTOS BY: Ricky Jones Jr.** ENJOYenjoyRELAXrelaxOBSERVEobserveRESPONDrespond*enjoyrelaxobserverespond*
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